季節に限らず、あらゆる「変化」には なかなか気づけないことも多いですが、こうしてその小さな変化をも捉えようとする心が、かつての沖縄の人々にはあったのだなとふと思います。
小さな体のトゥイグヮーが 自分の居場所を求めてたくましく在るように、
October in Okinawa
As the strong Okinawan sun continues to shine in October, the seasonal wind known as "Mī-nishi" (New North Wind) arrives, signaling the end of typhoon season and the beginning of winter.
This is a unique autumnal sign of Okinawa, where summer lingers long. Often, we overlook subtle "changes" around us, but the people of old Okinawa seemed to have cultivated an appreciation for such small transformations in their daily lives.
The Yoroke Leaf Kariyushi shirt incorporates the essence of this transitional season, with the Tui-gwā (swallow) kasuri patterns delicately placed on the cuffs.
Kasuri, a weaving technique believed to have originated in India, is known for its intricate craftsmanship, allowing only 1–2 meters of fabric to be woven per day. This technique made its way to the Ryukyu Kingdom in the 14th–15th century. With over 600 distinct patterns, kasuri designs reflect the rich natural landscape and diverse flora and fauna of Okinawa. Among them, the Tui-gwā (swallow) has long been revered as a messenger of the gods, symbolizing happiness and hope.
Swallows visit Okinawa as a part of their journey, flying from the warm winters of Southeast Asia. Their search for a comfortable place to stay, despite their small size, reflects remarkable resilience and vitality.
The design also incorporates gently swaying leaf patterns, symbolizing the harmony and life force of nature. Every detail of this simple yet refined shirt design has been meticulously crafted.
Even in seemingly unchanging daily life, just as Okinawa’s Mī-kaji carries the subtle arrival of autumn and the small swallow seeks its ideal place with enduring strength, may we all learn to cherish the small changes and discoveries that enrich our irreplaceable everyday lives.
Accompany your autumn with this rare long-sleeve Kariyushi shirt, infused with Okinawa’s wind and traditions, and enjoy the quiet charm of Okinawa’s brief winter.