ブリブサーは、沖縄の方言で 夜空に光り輝く群星のこと。
このように 琉歌における星は、希望、愛、無常といったさまざまな人間の感情や思想を象徴する重要なモチーフとして、沖縄の人々の心を唄ってきたのですね。
Have you ever heard the word “Buribusā”?
In Okinawan dialect, Buribusā refers to the glittering clusters of stars that light up the night sky. Also known as “Muribushi,” it is a traditional and iconic motif often depicted in Okinawa’s textile patterns and celebrated in its poetic songs, the Ryūka.
In Ryūka, stars symbolize a range of profound meanings—parent-child relationships, guidance in life, journeys or voyages, love, and the bonds between people. They can also embody an unattainable dream, expressing a sense of longing and mystery. Conversely, the way stars sometimes fade behind clouds has been seen as a reflection of human life or the ever-changing world.
In this way, stars in Ryūka are a deeply significant motif, expressing the hopes, love, and impermanence that resonate in the hearts of Okinawan people. Thinking of it this way, one can’t help but wonder: what would the stars twinkling in the modern sky sing about our lives today?
The stars often serve as a beacon for challenges and new beginnings, a source of comfort and guidance in life’s journey. In the same way, expressing one’s feelings and values through a tangible form is equally precious.
May your life be filled with countless sparkling moments where you realize what truly matters to you.
This is the sentiment woven into this garment—a piece made to celebrate the journey of someone’s life voyage.